Brave Women Like You and Me

Who is the bravest woman you know? Hint: It’s not me. When I was asked to write an article about bravery, I got stuck for 6 weeks. Until God showed me what true bravery means… and I began to notice all the brave women around me. Women who are doing incredibly courageous things each day, with little applause or acclaim,...

Literary Heart-Swoons!

What’s your favorite Anne+Gil moment, Kindred Spirits? What do you love most about their darling, slow-burn romance?! It’s HEART-SWOON month, and I can’t wait to celebrate all of my favorite...

January in Jane Austen’s World

Today marks the start of a new series, in which I highlight several important events and details that happened in Jane Austen’s novels, letters, and lifetime during each month of...

Happy Birthday, Jane!

This Saturday, December 16th, we wish Jane Austen a very happy birthday! Austen fans and groups around the globe will unite this weekend to celebrate our favorite author, her incredible...