Category: Jane Austen

May in Jane Austen’s World

As spring turns to summer on our month-by-month exploration of Jane Austen’s life, letters, and novels, we turn our attention to May in Jane Austen’s world. If you’re just jumping...

April in Jane Austen’s World

As we continue our month-by-month journey through Jane Austen’s novels, letters, and lifetime, we find ourselves in the lovely month of April! If you’re just jumping on the bus, you...

Austen in Bloom

For years, I’ve loved the Penguin Random House “Puffin in Bloom” editions of Anne of Green Gables, Heidi, Little Women, and A Little Princess. I typically purchase these gorgeous books as gifts for my...

January in Jane Austen’s World

Today marks the start of a new series, in which I highlight several important events and details that happened in Jane Austen’s novels, letters, and lifetime during each month of...

Happy Birthday, Jane!

This Saturday, December 16th, we wish Jane Austen a very happy birthday! Austen fans and groups around the globe will unite this weekend to celebrate our favorite author, her incredible...