Ode to My Favorite Literary Mamas

Happy Mother’s Day, Kindred Spirits! Who are you most favorite literary mothers? There are so many mothers and mother figures I look up to in my favorite books, but I have to give a special shout out to these special literary mamas:

Marilla Cuthbert

Marilla Cuthbert might be strict, pragmatic, and stiff, but she has a tender heart and a soft spot for Anne. There’s a “saving something about her mouth which, if it had been ever so slightly developed, might have been considered indicative of a sense of humor.” Marilla is the mother I most enjoy watching develop. She goes from being hard and no-nonsense to completely lovable and dear.

Ma Ingalls

Caroline Ingalls is practical and no-nonsense and yet so kind and gentle. She didn’t mess around, but she loved and taught her girls so well. She can make a meal out of pretty much anything and find a way to make things special, even in the midst of grasshoppers, blizzards, drought, or famine.


Mrs. March is that mother who exemplifies everything we want in a mom and everything we want to be AS moms. She is patient, clever, kind, witty, and creative. She can teach a lesson with wise words, a gentle reprimand, or a cleverly-devised experiment. She’s well-read, she’s learned to curb her temper well, and she’s compassionate to her neighbors.

I honestly think that the “book moms” in my life shaped how I related to my own mother, in appreciating her and looking up to her, and also in how I wanted (and still want) to be as a mama myself.

That’s just my top 3! Tell me about your most favorite book moms in the comments below and why you love them so!

Mamas, aunties, and grandmas come in many shapes and sizes, and I am so thankful for all the women in my life who have loved and mentored and befriended me over the years!

Grace and peace,


  1. Thank You, Rachel! I read every Anne book when I was in my pre and early teens! Living on a farm in a caring family surrounded by a large loving church required little imagination of the time/setting of Green Gables! My older by 15 months sister was my Diana! I am nearing my
    87th birthday and have just finished reading Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 580+/- page story of her life and have enjoyed thoroughly every page! Your beautiful Anne of Green Gables Devotional book has been a delightful companion read. Thank you so much for bringing back so many happy thoughts!

    1. Dear Anne, It’s so lovely to hear from you! I loved hearing about your Anne memories and I’m so thankful to hear that the devotional has been a source of joy. I feel the same way about Anne!!! xx

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