Have you ever visited Prince Edward Island in the springtime?
I was there once, long ago, during the summer. It was one of the loveliest places I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine the joy of seeing it bloom in the spring!
Has spring come to your neck of the woods?

Spring seemed to pop just in time for Easter where I live. It was so pretty out!
I’ve been thinking about “what happens AFTER Easter” today. I can’t help but think about how Jesus told the disciples to go and wait for the Holy Spirit.
It’s so tempting (and easy) to run ahead of the Lord, but waiting is key.
It’s in the waiting that our souls quiet.
It’s in the waiting that He tunes our ears.
It’s in the waiting that we hear Him.
It’s in the waiting that we find Him.
It’s in the waiting that He finds us ready.

If you’re in a waiting time, remember that you’re waiting for God’s own Spirit to move. He’s never late. He’s always on time. Don’t give up and don’t skip this part. The waiting is part of His plan.
Pray while you wait…and keep your spiritual eyes and ears open.
When it’s time for Spring to burst forth and for things to move, you’ll know. He’ll make it abundantly clear.
And it will be beautiful.
Much love to you all, Kindred Spirits!
Rachel xx
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