She Will Not Waver

Has God promised something through his Word, through your prayer conversations with him, through multiple confirmations, but it hasn’t happened yet? I remember waking up one fall morning ten years ago at 5:45 a.m. with an overwhelming desire to have a baby. It was like nothing I’d felt before. We had been trying for over a year to get pregnant,...

Redefining Lies

Jesus is everything. I have been so encouraged by the Redefined Bible study at Well-Watered Women. We just started last week and the FB community is already bearing fruit as...

The Train is Leaving the Station

This time last fall, I was immobilized by one thought: What if I heard God wrong? God had directed me to step back from several key commitments, but I didn’t...

Love Letter from God

This time last year, I was in a deep wilderness time. I felt lost, I was broken up emotionally, and I was at loose ends. Many of the things I...