You might be the answer to your own problems.

I am great at noticing problems. I’m not so great at being the solution. Just this week, a friend told me she can’t attend many church functions because there isn’t childcare during the events and services at her smaller church. Another friend is struggling with a very dry climate at her church. My thought for myself and my friends: Maybe...

Courage, Dear Heart.

“Drinian’s hand shook on the tiller and a line of cold sweat ran down his face. The same idea was occurring to everyone on board. ‘We shall never get out,...

I Press On. (Adjusting to Change.)

After going through a big change as a family earlier this year, I see God’s plans and purposes in a new light. There’s joy, struggle, heartache, and beauty when we...

Show Me How to Comfort

Dearest readers, please join me in welcoming my friend, Robin Horne, to the Kindred Spirit blog as she encourages us to comfort others in their times of need. Robin is...

Keep the fire of faith burning

“Meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must never go out. Each morning the priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt...

Love and Friendship

In honor of “Galentine’s Day,”* today, I’ve been thinking about my favorite friends (both real and fictional). I’ve learned a lot about friendship from Anne of Green Gables. In it,...