Celebrate small victories.

When I think of victory, I usually think of complete, ground-into-powder-under-my-heel types of victories. TOTAL victory. But more and more, I find myself rejoicing in the small victories all around me. Being kind to myself as a mom and wife. That it’s not all perfect, but there’s some great stuff happening in the midst of it all. Getting the whole...

My Favorite Blogs + A Liebster Award

I’ve been nominated by Jarm Del Boccio from A Writerly Blog for the Liebster Award. It’s a really fun way to help readers discover new blogs. Thank you, Jarm, for...

Emily of New Moon

Last year, the L.M. Montgomery Institute blog held an Anne of Green Gables read-along; it was so popular that they decided to hold an Emily of New Moon read-along this year. It’s currently in full swing and...

Captain Wentworth’s Umbrella

A crowded shop scene in Jane Austen’s Persuasion causes spectacular tension between Anne Elliot and Captain Wentworth on a rainy day in Bath. (It’s worth re-reading here if it’s been a...

The friend of a friend.

Have you ever thought about the importance of a “friend of a friend” in your life? These secondary connections are some of the most vital relationships in our lives. I’ve...