Over the last few months, we’ve explored timeless romantic themes in Jane Austen’s novels that are still frequently used in today’s popular books, movies, and television shows. Thus far, we’ve...
It’s time for the next installment in this series devoted to examining the enduring romantic themes in Jane Austen’s novels, many of which are used over and over again in...
As we continue our investigation into Jane Austen’s irresistible romantic themes and plots, we now come to one of my favorite Austen novels, Persuasion. In this series, we’ve looked at “Enemies to...
As we continue to analyze Jane Austen’s novels and identify the best romantic tropes used in each one, we’re well on our way to proving that Austen not only used...
Ever wondered why so many romantic movies have similar plots? Ever noticed how many have themes like the ones Jane Austen used in her novels?? Jane Austen not only used...