Happy Almost-Fall to you, Kindred Spirits!

This is the time of year when we can all use a little inspiration to get back into gear with our quiet times and spiritual lives. To get us all in the mood for cozy fall vibes, I’m giving away ONE (1) copy of ONE (1) of my devotional books!


Your Choice: The winner of this giveaway gets to choose ONE (1) copy of Praying with Jane: 31 Days Through the Prayers of Jane Austen OR ONE (1) copy The Anne of Green Gables Devotional: A Chapter-by-Chapter Companion for Kindred Spirits.

If you’ve been wanting to dig deeper into your faith or find a creative way to develop your personal devotions, these devotional books are a great way to unite your love for Jesus and your love for the classics to inspire you to get into God’s Word each day.


To enter the giveaway, please leave your answer to this question in the comment section: If you could have tea with Jane Austen or Lucy Maud Montgomery, who would you choose and why?⠀


  • Must be a current subscriber to my blog
  • Must leave a comment on this post answering the above question
  • Giveaway ended Monday 9/20 at 11:59 p.m. PT

Shipping: U.S. Addresses – Author Ship. International Addresses – Book Depository

Photo by my lovely friend Courtney @healingchapters!!

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  1. NO QUESTION – I would want to have tea/coffee with L.M. Montgomery!!! I am currently reading her collection of short stories and I have so many questions. So many of the shorts could have been great novels and I want to know more about the characters. I think I could sit with her for hours and never get enough.

  2. i would have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery cause i can understand wem she talks

    1. Ashame can’t leave my comments here
      I would love to participate
      I would like Praying with Jane!!!

  3. That’s hard. Can I say both?! Hahahaha. Probably Jane Austen to see what being an author is all about!

  4. Your question is very hard to answer. I would love to get into Jane’s head and see where she came up with the inspiration for her novels. I would also love to talk to Maud about all of the things she experiences that inspired her character Anne. House of Dreams was a lovely book that shared a lot of insight, though. I guess I would have to choose Jane for tea. She is still very much a mystery to me even though I have read so much on her life and works.

  5. Lucy Maud Montgomery – She obviously had a wonderful imagination and I imagine she would’ve been so much fun to casually talk with!

  6. Lucy Maud Montgomery

  7. Hard choice, but I’d have to pick Jane Austen because her stories continue to impact and influence writers to this day and you see so many of her plot lines repurposed into modern tales!

  8. I think I would choose tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery, because I love the Anne of Green Gables series and the Emily of New Moon series. (Although I’d hope Ms. Montgomery wouldn’t mind too much if I drank hot chocolate instead of tea!) 😀

  9. Thank you so much for your wonderful giveaway!!! All the books look wonderful!

  10. Hello there!
    Tea with eother of those authors would be wonderful. They both had such different views of the world in different parts of the world.
    I love Anne of Green Gables. I watched it all the time as a tween/teen. And still do!
    Pride and Prejudice is my all time favorite of Jane Austens novels. So witty and subtle interest between Darcy and Elizabeth.
    I do love Englands culture during the time of Jane Austen.
    I would have to say Jane Austen, since she wrote when women had so little rights and yet she still made a name for herself, albeit unknowingly to her readers at that time. She created so many different ways that lives were lived then, she obviously had a keen eye for paying attention to what was going on around her and an understanding of the different classes and occupations that she could create worlds that people of today would love to live! Haha

  11. Lucy Maud Montgomery. I would just love to sit and listen to her “spin” the tales of Anne of Green Gables, those that she has written about and those that never made it in to print.

  12. Tough choice but Lucy Maud Montgomery!!
    I’m actually about to start reading your Little Women devotional on NetGalley too so I’m excited!!

  13. I would have tea with LM Montgomery because it seems like mealtimes are a big part of her writing and I’d love to be able to forever imagine how she’d describe the event!

  14. This is a really nice giveaway! Is this giveaway still going because up above it says it ends on August 30?

    1. Yes, it is! Not sure what happened to the date (argh!), but it is open through Monday (9/20)!

  15. Lucy Maud Montgomery
    I would really just like to express to her how much pleasure she gave our family when my daughters were growing up.

  16. I would definitely choose Lucy because I love Anne of Green Gables. I related a lot to Anne when I was growing up – didn’t quite fit in, did my own thing, loved to read, imagine things, I would still like to be a teacher one day. She wrote such an amazing character who really stood out during the time period.

    1. Melissa, you won the giveaway!! I will email you now!

  17. That is a really tough choice. I love both authors! Jane would have a lovely accent and serve a proper British tea, which I would adore. I would enjoy her sense of humor and witty perspective of life.

    I think I would choose Lucy, though, because it would feel like I was actually having tea with Anne Shirley and getting to be her friend! I imagine it would be an unforgettable adventure. 🙂

  18. Your book looks very interesting. the cover has a very inviting feel. I would love to read your new book

  19. I would choose Lucy Maud Montgomery because Anne was my favorite book growing up (and now) and I would have so many questions to ask her!!

  20. I would choose L.M. Montgomery! I would pick her brain about writing. Her descriptions are just so wonderful.

  21. Jane Austen. I know her name. Have no idea who other is.

  22. I would choose Lucy Maud Montgomery. Her life wasn’t an easy one, and I think losing her mom at such a young age had an influence on her, especially with her father giving her to her grandparents to raise, I can imagine how fascinating the stories of her life would be. She certainly wouldn’t be a boring companion!

  23. I would love to sit down with Lucy Maud Montgomery AND Jane Austen! It would be fascinating to just sit back and watch how these two magnificent authors would relate. I imagine they’d have lots of questions for each other as well! Just thinking “outside the box”, if you will! 🙂

  24. I think I would choose Lucy Maud Montgomery because I read Anne of Green Gables when I was young and it had a big impact on me.

  25. I see the contest ended 8-30-21 and today I received the email which is 9-13-21…
    Sending out the emails late?
    I would enjoy a chit chat with Jane Austen asking about her family life,

    1. Not sure what happened, but the giveaway is open until Monday, 9/20 – you can still enter! 🙂

  26. For me, it would be Jane. I’d like to talk with her about how women of her time perceived their lives and roles and how their faith intersected with those perceptions.

  27. Lucy Maud Montgomery without a doubt. I’ve loved Anne of Green Gables since my teacher read it to us in 4th grade. I’ve reread it many times and also have it on audiobook so I can listen to it when life is crazy and I don’t have time to read it. It had such an impact on my childhood and always brings good memories.

  28. Lucy Maude Montgomery as I loved her Anne of Green Gables books. They were my mom’s favorite also.

  29. I’d have tea with Jane Austen. I would love to find out what made her write Persuasion!

  30. Oh, why must you make us choose?! 😉 I suppose, if I must only choose one- it would be Jane. Simply because she lived longer ago, and her lifestyle & experiences would have varied more from ours than LMM’s. I have SO many questions!

  31. I would choose Jane Austen, as I have read more of her books and would be delighted to discuss them with her over a steaming cup of tea (or fifty!)

  32. I would have dinner with Jane Austen. To talk with her about how she integrated her faith into her novels.

  33. Lucy as I know nothing at all about her. (sorry) I struggled with Jane Austin, not ever really “getting” her dialogue between characters.

  34. That’s a hard question as I’d like to have tea with both of them! I’d probably choose Lucy Maud Montgomery as Ann of Green Gables has been my favorite series of books for so many, many years. I would ask her about her childhood and what inspired her to write this series.

  35. I would like tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery because she lived in the era that I would most liked to have lived in.

  36. Lucy M. Montgomery…I loved the “Anne” series. It’s one of the few books I actually started & finished as a kid. My real love of reading didn’t happen until my 20s. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  37. I would love to have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery! I grew up reading the Anne books and sharing this experience with my mother. Now as a mom of 2 girls, I’m starting to introduce them to Anne and the sweet world of Avonlea.

  38. Hi – when does this competition close, please – as it states Mon 8/30?? Thanks 🙂

    1. It ends 9/20 – thank you!

  39. I am so sorry, Lucy! Much as I regard your writing (and I just finished purchasing all your Anne books on audiobooks last week), I must choose tea with Jane. I have burning questions to ask about my most beloved of her novels, Mansfield Park. Couldn’t ALL THREE OF US get together at a later date?

  40. I think I would enjoy having some tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery because she was a very creative and wonderful woman who had some spunk in her. Plus, I think that she would be very intriguing to talk to.

  41. I would choose Jane because I would love to talk to her about writing a novel. She is very inspiring to me.

  42. I choose to have a conversation with Lucy Maud Montgomery (to be honest, I have not completed a single Jane Austen book yet, so I guess my answer should be obvious!). I have to have a conversation with L.M. Montgomery because I relate to her heroines so well. When I first read the Emily series I was in shock that she could describe “the Flash” that I always experienced! I always seem to experience the flash when I’m riding the country roads and looking at quaint little houses and gardens, but at other times too, sometimes it comes when I am least expecting it. I just need to talk to her about “the Flash”.
    I also need to talk with L.M. Montgomery on about her views on women’s education. Anne Shirley always aspired to be a homemaker, but she still got her B.A. In one of the books, Gilbert’s old “girlfriend” Christine asks Anne why she even got a B.A. in the first place, if she was just going to waste it being a mother to six children. I wonder why L.M. Montgomery felt inclined to put this in the book. I know that I will be ready to give up my Bachelor’s degree if a Gilbert and lovely children came into my life. I would be perfectly content keeping up my “House of Dreams”, but so many women cannot understand that, it is only one or the other. I would like to get L.M. Montgomery’s views about that. Why do we seek education in the first place? For physical or intellectual profit?

  43. It would be with Lucy Maud Montgomery because I am such a big fan of her writing. I love family, community, and coming-of-age, stories and also would love to talk with her about the challenges she faced in her own life. I have read some of her journals and 3 biographies too.

  44. I would choose Lucy Maud Montgomery because I have been to the home described in the book on Prince Edward Island, walked through the edge of the Haunted Woods, etc. and feel a kindred spirit with her.

  45. I would have tea with Jane Austen since we’ve met before 😉

  46. Jane Austen because her life seems so interesting and i’d of loved to of visited her and had a conversation with her about that time in her life.

  47. Elisama Rodrigues Lucena

    September 13, 2021 at 12:26 pm

    I would love to have a tea with Jane!
    Her stories are so amazing and I’d like to know what truly inspired her.
    I am sure we would had a great time talking, and maybe we have a PJ party! XD

  48. I would love to have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery! I love the Anne of Green Gables stories and even the movies. It would be lovely to discuss the books, and to visit Prince Edward Island also.

  49. Is this giveaway still open? The deadline says 8/30. But the post was written 9-13. I would like to sit and have tea with Jane Austin mainly because I am more familiar with her work.

    1. Yes, it ends 9/20 – don’t know how that happened! Thank you!

  50. I would love to have tea with Jane Austen. My absolute favorite love story and I would love to hear about her muse when writing this story.

  51. Oh my gosh…I would choose to have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery!!!! Anne of Green Gables is my MOST FAVORITE serries of books!!! 😀 What a delight it would be to win your Give-a-way too!! Thank you for the chance 🙂

  52. I’d pick having Tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery

  53. Definitely Jane Austen because I think we have the same snarky sense of humor.

    1. I would like to meet and have tea or coffee with Lucy Maud Montgomery. She was smart, loyal, a prolific writer and an activist. I have enjoyed her stories, both the Anne Of Green Gables series and the Emily of New Moon series. I introduced my daughter and now my 4 granddaughters to her work. She led a fascinating life and fought against the people who took advantage as stage of her. I would like to ask her questions about her life, her heroes, her beliefs, her faith and her stories. She was a woman born before her time and suffered because of it. I wish she would be alive and writing today.

  54. It would be Lucy Maude Montgomery. i would ask her how did she pick the other characters in Ann’s Life. Also what made her write the Pat books which are my favorite. Are they based on someone in her life?

  55. Jane Austen, since I have read her books.

  56. I would ask Lucy Maud Montgomery: Did you base Diana on anyone you knew. Diana seems to be totally different in character than Anne. That is what makes them such good friends. Thank You for this lovely giveaway. God Bless.

  57. I would choose to have tea with Jane Austen. I admire her stand she took refusing her marriage proposal despite the common expectation of women of her time.

  58. This is a difficult choice to be sure as both Lucy and Jane have wit, see the humor in life and created characters beloved by so many readers. But if I had to choose, I would ask Lucy Maud Montgomery. Her landscapes and descriptions of farm life and nature remind me of my great grandmother who I used to visit on her farm when I was little. The Anne devotional is lovely–I am enjoying it so much. Thank you!

  59. Haven’t read books of either so I really would like Through the Prayers of Jane Austen and would love to have tea with her too. Why? She sounds, looks and acts like a blessed Christian Mother/Sister.
    I would like to her if she wrote the devotional and based/related to her life or someone else? Also, I’d ask her if the devotional is for certain age group or everyone?
    I think a book like this could make my walk with God stronger and would love to win it.
    Please enter me
    Hope I Win

  60. Jane Austen. I’ve read everything of hers and just know more about her. Though I do like Anne!

  61. I would have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery because I love the Anne of Green Gables series and the Emily of New Moon series. (Although I hope she wouldn’t be offended if I drank hot chocolate instead of tea!) 😄

  62. I would ask Lucy Maude Montgomery if she ever visited the United States. Thank You for the giveaway. God Bless.

  63. L.M. Montgomery! I would like to see her reaction to knowing how her work has endured through the years.

  64. Definitely LM Montgomery because I love the way that she plays with words! Anne is so fun – sweet but spirited.

  65. I would definitely choose Jane Austen. She was so savage even in those days when women didn’t have much freedom or rights. I would talk about all the quirky details of how to be a badass woman and how did she do it. Also I would ask her if she ever fallen in love.

  66. I would have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery! Anne Is a real person in our family . We feel like we know her personally.Wouldn’t it be so much fun to chat with Lucie, feeling like you were chatting with Anne?

  67. Though I enjoy both authors, I love L.M. Montgomery! I have read both the Anne series & the Emily series several times. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE The Blue Castle, it is one of my all time favorite books & my favorite of L.M. Montgomery. My best friend & SIL also loves Anne, so before she got married I threw her an Anne based garden tea party for a bridal shower. She also named their first daughter Emily Anne :0)

  68. I would have tea with Jane Austin. Thank you for the opportunity. God bless you.

  69. I would choose to have a lovely afternoon tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery, complete with cherry cordials. And I would be engaged in conversation with her instantly, sharing our stories like schoolgirls.

  70. Jane Austen to ask about her books

  71. Jane Austen! I have read so many of her novels and so many times. She never knew how much influence she would have over the course of time. I would love to hear her response to that and to some of the adaptations that have been done with her novels.

  72. I would choose to have tea with Jane Austin and talk to her about the inspiration for her books.

  73. I would have dinner with Lucy M. Montgomery, . I love the Anne books .

  74. I would choose Jane. I love that time period and I have so many questions. During tea would be great to ask them.

  75. Definently Lucy Montgomery! I’ve loved her books since I was a girl.

  76. I would choose L. M. Montgomery, because I enjoyed that story years ago, and would love to win a print copy. . . Thanks for the opportunity to enter an exciting giveaway! God bless! Lual

  77. Lucy Maude Montgomery and I would ask her how she decided to be an author. I would also like to ask her what she thinks about the world today.

  78. I would choose Lucy Maude Montgomery because her books touch my heart. The devotional would be amazing to read, I’m sure!

  79. I would have to choose Lucy Maud Montgomery, as I’ve read all of the Anne of Green Gables books, and I’ve never read a Jane Austen book. I also want to visit Prince Edward Island because of the books!

  80. Jane Austin to know more about her background to the stories and to see God’s working through them

  81. I think I would choose Lucy Maud Montgomery because she seemed to see a silver lining in things.

  82. I think I’d choose Lucy, but wow, it is a really hard choice! Reason is I just love the time period and would love to just sit and have tea and conversation with her. I feel it would be very easygoing and comfortable, as if she was already a friend.

  83. I’m not sure who I would pick! I would love to have tea with both of them. I’m sure we would have some interesting conversations.

  84. I think I’d go for Lucy Maud Montgomery – simply because the Anne of Green Gables story-set is one of – if not my actual – all-time favourites, & I think anyone who wrote those books would indeed be a ‘kindred spirit’, so we would have the most fun having a jolly tea together!!

  85. Your giveaway question is a great one and I really had to think. I decided I would enjoy tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery the most because she is the one that was so much a part of my childhood and then my children’s.

  86. I would LOVE to have tea with Lucy Maud Montgomery and discuss Anne of Green Gables, which is near and dear to my heart!

  87. I would have tea with Jane Austen because she is my favorite author.

  88. LM Montgomery. She always puts a smile on my face. Although, I would be happy to have tea with either one. Lead characters of both authors freely speak their minds on most occasions.

  89. I would rather have tea with Montgomery to tell her how much I appreciate her and her books, which have helped me get by each day, especially during these trying times. I love her stories, characters, and descriptions, which are simpler and lighter compared to Austen’s (in my opinion anyway). ^_^

  90. I would love to have tea with Jane Austen. Maybe it is because your Jane Austen devotional is the first one I read but I am intrigued to hear her thoughts on our state of things here in our modern day world.

  91. Hi and be blessed!!
    I’m so happy in spite of all health issues I caught this week…
    I’d love to have Tea with Jane since I already have Anne of Green Gables Devotional. BTW finished it yesterday along with the furst book of the series.
    I really enjoyed it. A kindled spirit sent to me as a present some few months ago.
    So hope to get this giveaway and would looove to win TeA wiyh Jane Austen. She’s too one of my favourite authors

  92. Ah lots of people are saying Montgomery but I’d say Austen just because I am slightly more accustomed to her works!

  93. Honestly, I would love to have tea with both Jane and Lucy. This is a tough one! Each have a spot on my shelf with their wonderful books. But I will go with Jane. She endured many hardships, tried endlessly to have her work published, although it was done anonymously for her time, and putting herself last in her life, in my opinion, for the greater good of her family. I would love to ask her if she ever would have guessed how important her books would be for so many of us who get lost within her words.📚🙂 And the next day, I will have tea with Lucy.

  94. Tough choice, but I think I’d go with Jane Austen. I’d like to know more about her life, faith, etc., and I enjoy her works, and might be related to her! I love L. M. Montgomery’s stories, too, especially Anne.

  95. Jane Austen because she is such a well known name!

  96. It is hard to choose between these two wonderful authors, but I think I am inclined toward Jane Austen. I have wondered if Persuasion was perhaps based on a secret romance?!? Plus…I would love a good afternoon tea in England, perhaps at the Pump Room or Sally Lunn’s in Bath!

  97. Lucy M. Montgomery! Thank you for the chance!

  98. LM Montgomery because I don’t know as much about her life. I’d love to know how much of the character of Anne is based on her.

  99. What a difficult choice! Two of the most endearing and thought provoking authors both in their personal lives as well as with the characters they created! I am presently entranced by LM Montgomery and the world she has drawn me into on Prince Edward Island! I can imagine myself sipping tea with her in anyone of the beautiful gardens she wrote about and talking for hours about her life and her literature!

  100. I would like to have a meeting with Lucy Maud Montgomery to ask her about how she though the personalities for her characters!

  101. I’d love to have tea with LM Montgomery.

  102. I’d love to have tea with LM Montgomery so I could hear her real-life stories that surely (pun intended) inspired Anne.

  103. L.M. Montgomery because I would want to know her inspiration for Anne. it would be so fun to talk to her about the world she created on PE Island.

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