The Anne of Green Gables Devotional – ECPA Bestseller!

This week, my literary agent sent me an email to let me know that The Anne of Green Gables Devotional is on the February ECPA Bestseller List* for new releases! My sweet little devo is right there at #24 of 25 books.

When I read these words, I almost stopped breathing: “Congrats! Anne is now officially a best-selling book!”

But here’s the really fun part: Her email came just as I was just getting ready to send off my manuscript for my next devotional book! (More info coming soon.) When I got the email about the Anne Devo, I was so keyed up and excited that I almost couldn’t breathe. It was all I could do to stay focused, breathe evenly, finish up my new book, and send it off.

The list includes a lot of well-known names in Christian publishing, so it was remarkable to see my book there among them. But mainly, I keep thinking about all the people who have read it in the past 3 months…and it brings tears to my eyes.

I want to thank ALL of you who have bought the book, told your friends about it, and helped to launch it. So many of you have supported me along the way and prayed for me on my writing journey.

I hope you’ll raise a cup or glass of your favorite beverage with me and say, “To many more books that draw people closer to Jesus!”

Giveaway Details:

*The ECPA Bestsellers Lists rank the bestselling books published by ECPA members from the previous month, as reported to NPD BookScan (formerly Nielsen Bookscan) by these reporting retailers.

Gift Ideas for Kindred Spirits

If you’d like to purchase a signed copy of The Anne of Green Gables DevotionalPraying with Jane, or signed book plates for someone special, please visit my online Gift Shop!


  1. Patti Villavicencio

    March 5, 2021 at 1:10 pm

    I love the cover of the Anne Devi!

    1. I was drawn to Anne as an adult enjoying her joyful and sometimes melancholy imagination. Sharing with several friends .. and fb and ig … congrats sweet lady, you are blessed!

    2. Thank you, Patti!

  2. My favorite character is Gilbert – I love his genuine, loyal heart.

  3. love the cover shared to two friends

  4. One of my favorite characters is sweet Diana, even though I also have deep feelings for Marilla, Mrs. Lynde, Matthew, and of course Anne. Through Diana’s kind eyes, Anne is not an orphan who helps Marilla with household chores, but a beautiful friend to be treasured and treated with much love and respect. Diana reminds me of my Jesus, a friend to all.

    Congratulations on your exciting news! So well deserved, dear Rachel. I gifted two friends with this jewel of a book.❤️

  5. I love this picture with the flowers and teapot! I have always related to Anne Shirley the most because we’re both freckly redheads who love words and beauty. I really think that reading this book as a pre-teen and then several times through my teen years really helped make me who I am today.

  6. I was a talkative, imaginative, bookish child, who related so much to Anne. When a beloved adult likened me to her, I felt very “seen”, so she has always been my beloved character. Now, as a childless adult, sometimes a bit cranky, I re-read the books and wonder if there is a bit more of Marilla in me…or perhaps Matthew? That is the beauty of these books, I think. They can grow with one, over a lifetime.

  7. I’ve always had a wild imagination, love the beauty around me, and I look to find the goodness in people. So, I think I am most like Anne.

  8. Congratulations! It’s so wonderful to see your book on the bestseller list! My favorite character is Anne. I love her tenacity and joy for life. I think the book helps us to remember to be joyful.

  9. The cover is lovely. I would have to say Diana. She is not s adventurous or daring as Anne.

  10. THE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES DEVOTIONAL, has a beautiful cover! I hope you will write many more books.

  11. I’ve never read Anne of Green Gables.

  12. Congrats! What a fun giveaway. I love Anne of course and I love Marilla, but I’ve always had a huge soft spot for Matthew because of his quiet nature… I can relate to him a lot since I’m also very shy. So, Matthew for me. I’ve always been touched by his kindness and gentleness, too. I will definitely tell a few fellow Anne fans about this giveaway!

  13. I think I relate most to Diana’s more reserved personality, but I love Anne’s quirkiness and spunk! 🙂

  14. A friend gifted me your devotional and it is so beautifully done! I love it!
    If I won, I would give it to my mom or one of my Anne of Green Gables loving friends!
    I’ve always loved Matthew. His quiet spirit is similar to mine and he loves people a great deal.

  15. Thank you, Lila!

  16. Congratulations on being on a bestseller list!

    I have always loved Anne Shirley the most, and I relate to her creative spirit and love of nature. I also find her loyalty, patience, and love for the people she cares about so lovely (and I hope I’m somewhat like that :)).

    I also shared this with 3 other friends. 🙂

  17. I have always loved Anne because her mouth got her in so much trouble and so did/does mine! I would like to think that I got better with age the same way she did, but I still say things that I have to go back and ask forgiveness. Anne is brutally honest and I always loved that about her, too.

  18. The cover of this devotional is gorgeous!

    My favorite character in “Anne of Green Gables” is Anne, of course! I can relate to her love of nature, words, and daydreaming. Also like Anne, I was born with vibrant red hair. 🙂

  19. I just shared this with five of my friends that I know love “Anne of Green Gables.” 🙂

  20. I commented already but am just coming back to say that I’ve told 10 fellow Anne fans in the U.S. about your giveaway. 🙂

  21. Anne of Green Gables has been a constant companion to me through my life and I think I could find some parallels in most characters. My children likely would think me like Marilla somedays, who I love as well. Besides loving Anne, which really who couldn’t? I have always related a lot to Diana. She is a lover of good books and has a heart open to making new friends and adventure, even if she sometimes may need the inspiration or imagination from Anne.

  22. Elisama Rodrigues Lucena

    March 11, 2021 at 6:02 am

    I am really related to Diana. She is my favorite character.
    She is friendly, loyal and brave, what I want to be most in life.

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