New Book: Members of the Cast by George Beckman

My dad, the greatest dad ever in my humble opinion, has been a tireless cheerleader and encourager of Daughter Dearest (that’s me) since forever — and especially in terms of my personal writing journey. He is always my first reader for my devotional books and always the first to share (and brag) about all my writing projects. Now it’s my turn!

He (George Beckman) just released his very first novel called Members of the Cast! He started drafting it many moons ago (in the late 70s) and picked it up again several years ago. It’s out now and ready to order! If you love period novels, coming-of-age stories, and clean reads, you’ll enjoy this book.

Book Description

––Finding yourself when secrets fall away.

In 1959, Margo’s parents break their promise, leaving her behind for another archaeological dig. She is sent to California to spend her junior year with a great uncle she’s only met once. Her parent’s interests remain buried in ancient ruins, but Margo begins to discover herself beneath a lifetime of family secrets. For the first time, she has a close circle of friends, a budding romance, and an academic future. But a struggle between herself, the past, and her parents test all she has learned.

Enter into Margo’s world and experience the “California Dream” feel of 1950s Southern California. Members of the Cast is a wholesome book for all ages—you could give it to your granddaughter or grandmother.

Graestone: My parents’ home in Northern California.
My parents, George and Ruth, on their 50th wedding anniversary.

My Review of Members of the Cast

Members of the Cast is set in the late 1950s and I felt like I was stepping into the past! It gave me a taste of what it was like when my parents were teenagers. The story is set around a girl who comes to Pasadena to live with her uncle during her junior year in high school. She learns to come out of her shell, speak for herself, and make friends.

I really enjoyed how much the main character grew up and got to know herself as the story went on. Throughout her life, her parents moved her around a lot and she never had a lot of support or love from them. With her uncle, she finds a wonderful father figure and finally starts to feel at home. Many of the secondary characters are warm and funny. I enjoyed the plot twists and turns the author put in as well.

There are a lot of great details from Southern California during that era – the clothes, the cars, the houses, and the music. And there’s just the right touch of romance. A very enjoyable nostalgia read for all ages!

Members of the Cast is available in print and on Kindle. You can order your copy HERE.

About the Author

George Beckman grew up in Southern California and lives in Northern California, in an old stone house. He spent his life teaching elementary school and loved to teach kids to write.

Members of the Cast was started in 1975, but was put aside for years. George’s creativity didn’t stop, and for almost 30 years he programmed, marketed, and supported grade book software for elementary teachers. Members of the Cast is George’s first book, but there are more to come. You can visit him at Graestone Writer or on Twitter.

I hope you’ll check out Members of the Cast and help support an indie author who has also been the uncontested recipient of the Beckman family Dad of the Year Award every year since 1977.

Grace and peace,


  1. That`s so cool!
    Congrats to your dad on his book!

    It`s never too late to share a good work =)

  2. George, we seem to have lost touch. You and Rachel are so accomplished!! Richard would love to hear from you. Joanie

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